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No One Cares When You Woke Up

It’s a new epidemic.

Over the past several years, it’s spread through male fitness Instagram like an STD through a college campus. Let us call it the epidemic of being “hard”.
The first and perhaps most notable symptom of this ailment is taking a photograph of your watch and posting in on Instagram to signal to others that you woke up REALLY EARLY, and as such, are somehow harder than they are.
Cool story, bro.

Now I get it, first world living is “easy”. There’s no daily physical struggle for food, survival, or shelter. For the most part, your immediate needs are met. This can be quite difficult for men. The real ones among us NEED challenges to find meaning in life. But make no mistake about it, waking up extra early to do what you otherwise could have done at a more reasonable hour isn’t it.


Dog sitting with a No One Cares When You Woke Up sign

In fact, when I see an idiot who I know for a FACT works part time posting about how he’s a wolf in a world of sheep because woke up at 4:30 AM to lift, I see someone who should be euthanized.Life isn’t Olympic gymnastics. You don’t get points for degree of difficulty. In my book, you actually LOSE points for making things more challenging than they need to be.

Why? Because waking up early and inconveniencing yourself doesn’t do a damn thing to make your life better. Finding meaning, purpose and a healthy way to channel your talents will. And I hate to break it to you, if your only talent is waking up early and flexing on people who are busier than you, you have no talent. You’re just a douche. Oh, and one more thing… for the vast majority of humans out there, working out isn’t the be all, end all of existence. Being in respectable shape should simply be part of your daily routine, no different than brushing your teeth or (hopefully) wiping your ass.

You want to REALLY find meaning? Get off social media, meet a woman, get married and start a family. Don’t want to do that? Build something that will matter long after you’re gone. Help people in your community. But don’t pretend that working out early in the morning makes you superior to those around you.
And if you can’t shake yourself of this misconception, do us a favor and DON’T reproduce. We don’t need any more of you running around.
Thanks. Have a good day.