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If you’re looking for a lunatic in a leotard leading a class with a microphone headset whilst performing bizarre physical gyrations, then our sessions may leave you wanting a bit more. But if you’re looking for an environment full of winners who are there to train hard and help you do the same, then our vibe is perfect for you.

By the time you’ve walked through the door for your first session, you’ve already gone through our clarity session and we’ve figured out everything we need to know in order to help you.

This means that you’ll enter your first session with a custom-made program beamed directly to your smartphone via the TrueCoach app, and one of our coaches will be waiting to walk you through it and answer whatever questions you may have.

What will be in your program?

A unique combination of strength, mobility, endurance and hypertrophy (muscle gain) work, all designed to be finished in 60 minutes or less.

That’s right. 60 minutes. No messing around. Get in, work hard, and get on with your day.

Rinse and repeat, and you’re on your way.

I wish I could tell you there was some type of magic formula or elixir.

There isn’t.

Just show up, do what we tell you, and you WILL see results.
We promise.