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Optimism is Cowardice

Things just keep getting better, right?
I’m sure we’ve all been told that at some point. But what if I told you that the very idea that everything is going to get better is just a sad, sorry cope?
That your optimism – that you’ll somehow pull yourself out of the hole you’re in or make your life better – is nothing more than a cowardly way to look yourself in the mirror that day?

I hate to break it to you, but for a lot of you… I wouldn’t be wrong. And why is that? Because SO MANY of us act as if things will get better if we don’t change anything. That somehow we can remain on the very same trajectory that other chronically mediocre people have been on and not wind up injured, fat, sick dead at an early age… or worse yet, a loser.

Dog sitting with a Optimism is Cowardice sign

Does any of this sound reasonable? Of course not. It’s ridiculous. But how many of you will read this post, agree with it, then wake up tomorrow and go back to eating twinkies and slaying boxed wine? A lot of you will.
If that’s the case, this message isn’t for you.

Not until you’re ready to put the twinkie down and admit that you’re NOT going to be ok. Because that’s the message so many of us need to hear.
It’s not going to be okay if I keep making these choices.
It’s not going to be okay if I stay unhealthy and weak.
For me, that was the first step to getting healthy and getting myself out of the degenerate sport of powerlifting. I saw what my future would entail if I kept going down that road… and it wasn’t going to be okay. And I’ll tell you what, If I can reach that conclusion and act on it… so can you. Because I don’t possess any special powers. I don’t have special access to a divine entity. I’m just a regular guy.

So, let me ask you… what in your life isn’t going to be okay?

What lies are you telling yourself?

What do you need help with?

What will your life look like if you don’t change the course you’re on?

Don’t take the coward’s way out and tell yourself you’ll be ok. Make it better.

Optimism without action is nothing. It’s worse than nothing.
It’s cowardice.