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Congratulations my friend. You made it this far. 

You’ve perused our site, read our testimonials and scoped out some pics of our gym. At this point, you probably have one question: Is RSP for me? Well, if I were playing the odds, I’d be forced to answer that question with a resounding “NO!”.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s nothing personal. It’s just that we at RSP pride ourselves on helping the very best on Long Island conquer their weakness(es) and become who they’re truly meant to be. And when I say “the very best” I don’t mean special forces commandos, professional athletes or roided-up freaks.

I simply mean hard working, dedicated people with good character and commitment to excellence. And let’s be real… if you take one good honest look around, there aren’t many who fit that description. But I suppose that doesn’t really matter. We’re talking about YOU, not the malcontents who may or may not be around you right now.

So take a good hard look in the mirror (or on your camera phone, whichever is easiest) and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can I fully commit myself to something, without making excuses?
  • Do I have what it takes to truly become the best I can be?
  • Am I truly willing to invest in something great, instead of looking for cheap options that will lead me nowhere?
    If you answered yes to all three of these questions, then I have some news:

Relentless Strength and Performance IS for you.

So why don’t you read on and figure out what exactly happens when you pull the trigger and join us?


Relentless Strength and Performance IS for you.

Click below and find out more about getting YOUR CLARITY SESSION to set your individualized strength goals or click YOUR RSP EXPERIENCE to find out how we’ll create a program for you that will deliver results like you’ve never seen before.